April 30th- Blending Outside Tradition 4-6pm $75 // $65 for members (PROMO CODE:WINE)

April 30th- Blending Outside Tradition 4-6pm $75 // $65 for members (PROMO CODE:WINE)


As Amplify has evolved, we have focused more on the art of blending. We find our desire to express new emotions and ideas benefits from blending, particularly blending grapes in a nontraditional fashion, as illustrated by wines like Mixtape and Everything is Everything. You’ll have the opportunity to create your own blend as we guide you through our creative process, exploring several different wines from barrel, both white and red, to craft something uniquely yours. The evening includes a glass of Everything is Everything, as well as a bottled version of your unique blend to take home with you. Limited to 12 seats.

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Due to limited seating, we request that you cancel at least 48 hours before the event. This gives us the opportunity to fill the event. You may cancel by emailing us here. If you have to cancel your spot, after the 48 hours, we do not offer refunds.